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Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

CIJ Clarity Catalyst

Are you a person who wakes up in the morning with the burning question…is this as good as it’s going to get?

Are you a person who feels as if you are on the edge of your greatness but you are not quite clear what your exact contribution could be?

Are you a person who longs to share your innate gifts and talents with the world and live a life full of meaning, purpose, and contribution, but feels lost as to how to do that?

If you answered YES to two or more of these questions…you are not alone! There are many people who feel the same.  They have reached a level of contentment with their lives but still have not broken through their glass ceiling of living their fully expressed potential. They have good enough lives, some have raised children, some have traveled, some have done work that is generally satisfying…but they know there is something much bigger for them out there….

If YOU are that person, my guess is that you can see ahead that something exciting and wondrous is in the air, but you are not sure how to get from where you are to where you want to be! The key is clarity.

In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week self-discovery course (taught either in person or live online) you will be given the blueprint to get clear on who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self- confidence, awareness, sense of direction, and passion will increase exponentially.

If You Are Ready To...
  • Get into your “flow” by doing what you love and getting paid to do it so that you can leave your unfulfilling job or create the job of your dreams

  • Get crystal clear on your vision and mission so that you can help others and leave an impactful footprint on this great earth

  • Ignite more passion and love into your life so that you can feel excited and sexy because you are loved, cherished, and honored

  • Belong to a group of like-minded others who also want to take their lives to the next level so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community

Then… The Clarity Catalyst is for you!

In this 8-week program you will:
  • Awaken to your true calling by getting clear on who you are and want you really want

  • Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world

  • Rewrite and reprogram your self-limiting mindset with new beliefs and possibilities that will set you free

  • Connect with a tribe that has been attracted by YOUR awesome vibe…a group of people who will hold you high and support you

  • Work with and through the fear that has been paralyzing you and keeping you stuck, so that you can finally go for it and live out the life that is waiting for you

  • Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world

Get a crystal-clear blueprint that will help you tap in your creative FLOW and intuition so you can achieve the greatness that you KNOW you are capable of.

A delicious blend of sacred sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to land the learnings and solidify the group.

  • Week 1 - Introduction Class
    This first class will introduce what the Insight for Life program is about and what they can expect each week.
  • Week 2 - Cultivating Creativity
    Learn how to let go of attachments to the outcome with their new creative vision so they can allow their creative process to lead them exactly where it needs to go.
  • Week 3 - Reprogramming Self-limiting Beliefs and Judgement
    Meet their Voice of Judgement - the negative voice in their head (inner critic) that was not there when they were born. Identify what limiting beliefs it says about them that are simply not true, so that they can stop identifying with it.
  • Week 4 - The Power of Mindfulness
    Discover ways to use mindfulness activities to quiet the mind of anxious thoughts and come back to the present moment where peace lives. Understand how to do “mindful” listening so that they can pay better attention to peers, parents, caregivers and teachers.
  • Week 5 - Activating Intuition
    Discover practical tools that will help them at any crossroad to make the right choice without self-doubt or fear, so that they can feel more confident about their decision making and stand up to peer pressure. Learn the Insight for Life Question Inquiry, which will unlock the answers that they already have within.
  • Week 6 - Discovering Your Life's Purpose
    Understand that your life’s purpose is not the “Job” you do. Learn what your most valued qualities are so that they can be used as a compass to guide your youth towards their purpose, which will have meaning and fulfillment as they grow.
  • Week 7 - Mastering Time and Overcoming Procrastination
    Learn the time management system to effortlessly get the things done that are stressing them out and off their plates, with a tool that chunks it down and makes it manageable. Discover how to overcome procrastination so that your youth can learn these tools now and so that they will not continue to self-sabotage into adulthood.
  • Week 8 - Cultivating Self-love and Conscious Communication in Relationships
    Relationships cause us the greatest joys and the biggest challenges. This module looks at the relationship we have with self, others, and people who challenge us. Many times, we must deal with people who trigger us, which takes us off the task of being successful at school and in life. Or, if we are not loving, trusting, and respecting ourselves, we will continually self-sabotage our ability to advance.
  • Week 9 - Cultivating A Healthy Relationship with Money
    Money is energy. Depending on the relationship you have with money, that energy can be what either blocks the flow of abundance or it can open the floodgates to magnetize it in. If left unexplored, our subconscious limiting beliefs we learned about money in childhood could be the culprit to what has been sabotaging money from coming in.
Book a call to have a conversation to confirm this is the right next step for you!
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